History of Monroe County – Mendon

“… Union Star Lodge, No. 320, was instituted in 1852 by old members of the Union Lodge. Among the charter members of this lodge were Rufus Richardson, Matthew Ogden, Adam W. Willis, Silas Pierce, John B. Crosby, B. H. Benham, Warren Cummings, George B. McBride, Daniel T. Hannas, and John H. Fox. McBride and Benham are yet living. A fire destroyed the early records, and has made it impossible to give a complete history. The lodge numbers seventy-four Master Masons. They have fitted up and occupy a hall in Pierce & Brigg’s lot, and hold semi-monthly meetings. The present officers are George St. John, W. M.; A. H. Hunt, S. W.; Milo Case, J. W.; W. G. Starr, Treas.; L. N. Allen, Sec.; John Hornes, S. D.; E. L. Yorks, J. D.”

(History of Monroe County, William Morrison, W.E. Morrison & Co, Ovid, NY, 1877, p 2261)

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