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Masonic Lodge Hosts Gala to Support Veterans’ Equine Therapy

HONEOYE FALLS, NY—As it has done in past years, the Mendon-Honeoye Falls-Lima Sentinel has agreed to sponsor the annual Union Star Gala. Hosted by Union Star Lodge #320 Free & Accepted Masons, this year’s formal fundraising event will be to support the Mendon EquiCenter’s Therapeutic Programs for Veterans. The event…

Union Star Lodge 2024 Annual Gala

The members of Union Star Lodge No. 320, F&AM REQUEST THE HONOR OF YOUR PRESENCE as they celebrate a unique individual dedicated to community service This event will feature the rare bestowal of the Dewitt Clinton Award from the Grand Lodge of New York. It will be given to a…

Anderson Receives Past Master’s Apron

Richard Kahl (right), Master of Union Star Lodge No. 320, F&AM, presents former Master Jacob Anderson with his Past Master’s apron during the Monday, October 9th 2023 meeting. Anderson served as Master from June 2022 through May 2023, during which time the Lodge raised several thousand dollars for local charities.